Visit to the cave
With duration of approximately an hour and fifteen minutes and with a travel of middle difficulty, your visit to the cave will be an unforgettable and unique experience.
One time you are dressed with the special suit, the helmet with front light and gloves (everything provided by us) you will start the visit entering the cave with guides that will accompany you during all the tour. You will to get to a place inside the cave which will aim the adaptation to the absolute darkness, and after two minutes you will be ready to start the adventure.
You will visit the different parts that conform the cave some of them of large size. You will see the formations that whimsically the water and the time have formed for thousands and millions of years, you will pass for the rooms of the fluorescence, you will get in the large room of the key with its particular colors and you will admire elicities and calcretes in the formation which challenges the laws of gravity. At the end of the tour, a big joint will point the chimney that will send you to the exit.
Be prepared to enjoy of this unique experience, our specialized guides will share their knowledge and experience for you to know the secrets and live this special experience of traveling in the depths of the earth. Discover a unique place, discover the Sauce Caves.
Topography of the cave and travel
Do click in the image to see the plan of the cave

- No es apto para claustrofobicos, ya que entramos en un lugar totalmente oscuro y pasamos por espacios semiconfinados.
- No recomendado a personas con un tamaño corporal grande. En ciertas partes tenemos que andar agachados, no se puede andar parados, (pasamos por tuneles, gateras, etc.).
- Ingresamos con personas desde 5 hasta 60 años de edad.
- El numero de personas en el grupo, como maximo son 8 (ocho)
- No recibimos tarjetas de credito, solo de contado efectivo
- Incluimos el equipo o indumentaria, (casco con luz frontal, overol y guantes) y logicamente la guiada por dentro de la caverna
- Se debe venir con zapatillas (no ojotas ni calzado con plataforma o tacos) y ropa comoda
- Con relacion a los horarios, nos manejamos telefonicamente, se van haciendo los grupos de acuerdo a la gente, hay turnos a la mañana, tarde y si quieren tambien se puede hacer la visita nocturna, para cualquiera de los mismos debes comunicarte y asi arreglamos el dia y el horario